December 10, 2021 – St. John’s, NL: Eastern Health’s Paramedicine and Medical Transport team is asking the public to help pack the backs of ambulances with toys, food, and clothing to help families in need this Holiday Season. Gifts will be donated to the Salvation Army for distribution to families throughout the region.
The 11th annual Pack the Back toys, food, and clothing drive continues this Saturday, December 11, 2021, at Walmart located on Kelsey Drive in St. John’s from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
In keeping with public health guidelines, paramedics volunteering onsite will wear masks and follow physical distancing guidelines, allowing for contactless donation drop-offs.
For those who can donate to help families in need, we thank you for your generosity and for following physical distancing guidelines while continuing to donate to those in need this Holiday Season.
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